Old-style funeral homes are extinct. It really is a case of adapt or miss out in this business. If you’re noticing more and more clients choosing cremation over burial, you’re not alone. Some families still opt for the complete burial, but cremation has overtaken burials in North America. Therefore, more people are choosing powerful new ways of memorializing their loved ones’ cremated remains.
Whether it be a symbolic amount of ashes in a modest urn, or an elaborate piece of cremation jewelry to honor their loved one, this aspect of our business is growing and cannot be ignored.
With more clients choosing cremation, the need for caskets and somber rituals is going by the wayside. To stay relevant in people’s lives, we must follow their lead. Some folks may not be aware of the wide range of options available when it comes to cremation memorial keepsakes. Approach the family gently. Explain that safely housing the cremated remains of a loved one in beautiful cremated memorials is a fitting and lasting tribute, and a moving way to keep their memory close forever.
Cremation jewelry for ashes has gained immense popularity in recent years. In Victorian times it was called mourning jewelry and did not hold actual remains; it was a bit more symbolic. As a way to memorialize a loved one, cremation jewelry really can’t be beaten. These are portable, small and discrete tributes that allow the wearer to keep a small portion of their loved one near. There are so many styles to choose from, and it’s our job to inform families about all the options.
A company like Eturnal Memorials employs skilled artists and designers to work closely with families to create final resting places that really speak about the person lost. They can use photos, drawings or descriptions to craft anything imaginable. It’s a fully interactive process that can custom design 3D printed urns or remains keepsakes in a matter of weeks. 3D printing allows customers to memorialize their loved one in any way that resonates best.
Cuddle Stones are small (palm of your hand) stones that hold a small amount of cremains. They enable mourners to carry a small piece of their loved one around surreptitiously. Cuddle stones can be a comforting and tangible way to keep memories alive. They come in many colours and are an exciting addition to any suite of options you can offer.
Eturnal Memorials can also take a photo and create a 3D crystal tribute lit by LED light. They are tasteful, hyper-realistic tributes that fit perfectly on a desk or mantelpiece. It’s the interactive and customer focused nature of these cremated memorials that are impressive. More and more of your clients are expecting and demanding these kinds of products and levels of service.
It’s important to remember that families may not be aware of the options involved in cremated memorials. Do your research and let them know. Some companies have even branched into services that rocket remains into space. Jewelry, lawn statues, benches, the sky's the limit. Don’t get left behind.