Plinton Curry Funeral Home Logo

Rosedale Cemetery & Crematory

Rosedale Cemetery & Crematory


  • Graves - $1650
  • Graves (less than 4' long) - $530
  • Stillbirths - $220
  • Cremated Remains - $575
  • Disinterments (1 Deep) - $3100
  • Disinterments (2 Deep) - $4000
  • Disinterments (Cremated Remains) - $725
  • Tent - $175
  • Encryptment Charge - See office
Overtime For Interments
  • Weekdays after 3:00PM - $450
  • Saturday - $450
  • Saturday after 2:00PM - $150 per 1/2 hour


  • Graves in Single Section - $2200
  • Single Graves in Lot Sections - $3100
  • Montclair Section - $4000
  • Oak - $4000
  • Park - $4000
  • Pre-Need Purchases - 10% discount
  • Cremated Remains Graves - $460
  • Cremated Remains Lots - See office

Crematory Charges:

**No Metal Caskets**

  • Adult - $385
  • Up to 4' Casket - $230
  • Stillbirth - $180
  • Cremation of Disinterment - $750
  • Saturday & Sunday Cremations - $30 Additional
  • Obese Cases - See office
  • Extra Boxes - $15 each
  • Keepsakes - $15 each
  • Storage of Cremated Remains - $25 / week (after one week)
  • Niches in Outdoor Columbarium - $935
  • Niches in Indoor Columbarium - $1100 and up
  • Niche Reopening - $200
  • Niche Front Replacement (Marble) - $340
  • Marble Front Engraving - $20/character ($80 min.)
  • Bronze Front & Urn Engraving - $10/character ($40 min.)
  • Granite Front Engraving - $30/character ($300min.)
  • Mailing Cremated Remains - $70 & up
  • Scattering (Adult) - $180
  • Scattering (Child up to 10 Years) - $100
  • Scattering (Stillborn) - $70

Use of Chapel:

  • Up to 1/2 hour - $100
  • Up to one hour - $230
  • Up to two hours - $530
  • Each additional 1/2 hour after 2 hours - $150
  • Cremation not at Rosedale (per 1/2 hour) - $320
  • Webcasting - $120
  • Use of WI-FI for broadcasting service - $120
  • First 1/2 hour - $60
  • Each additional 1/2 hour - $80
  • Duplicate Records - $10
  • Genealogy Requests - See office
  • Duplicate Mausoleum Key - $50 & up
  • Shrub Removal - $50 & up
  • Floral Program (year round) - See office
  • Chirstmas Grave Blankets - See office
  • Easter Lilies - See office
Use of Witnessing Room
Included with use of chapel
Miscellaneous Fees
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